Bilingual Learning System is dedicated to help you improve your English through two languages system presentation. The focus is on Business English, Achievement Motivational, and Various Topics of interests for general public.
FOCUS ON ONE HIGHEST VALUE GOAL Fokuskan Pada Satu Tujuan Bernilai Tertinggi
Now you can expand your business. Sekarang Anda bisa mengembangkan bisnis Anda.
There are many opportunities that you can see. Ada banyak kesempatan yang Anda lihat.
But you must focus only on ONE highest value activity. Tetapi Anda harus berfokus pada hanya SATU aktivitas bernilai tertinggi. One step a time is the principle to multiply your progress. Satu langkah satu waktu merupakan prinsip untuk melipatgandakan kemajuan Anda.
Think about just one crucial goal to achieve. Pikirkan tentang hanya satu tujuan sangat penting untuk diraih.
And then achieve that goal through massive action. Kemudian raih tujuan itu melalui tindakan masif. That's the way to succeed in life. Itu cara untuk sukses dalam hidup.
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